Improve the Artwork of a Functional Prototype
The prototype of the 2D Space Shooter is good to the point where the player can manually enter and exit play mode while enjoying a functional, basic game. At this point, the prototype can be enhance visually by using artistic assets that fit the style of the game. Since the prototype is a 3D Game Object and the art is intended for a 2D experience, some adaptations are required.
The initial 3D Game Object has a Cube Mesh, Mesh Renderer and a Box Collider that are intended for 3D game Objects, the primordial component to transfer to the new Art Work is the Player.cs to give that new game object the desired functionality.
Secondly, the “Player” tag must be added, inside the Sprite Renderer, under additional settings, “Foreground” must be created for the player and create the “background” tag for the background, and finally add a Box Collider 2D, while editing the collider’s perimeter to fit the space ship outline.
These are the settings to recreate the Enemy Prefab using the 2D Asset:
The settings to remake the Laser prefab as well:
And a look at the updated game play: