How to Install the Universal Render Pipeline (URP in Unity 2020 & Above)
- Installing URP when creating a project in Unity Hub
- Installing URP through Package Manager
This pipeline’s innate feature is to easily turn any URP project into a cross-platform export. Through it’s scalability, customizability, and a rich feature set, URP offers developers creative freedom in any type of project; from stylized visuals to physically based rendering.
The template may be installed when creating a new project in Unity Hub. It’s easy to use, and highly recommended when working on mobile project’s and VR experiences. It can also be found within the editor through the package manager.
Go to
Window → Package Manager → Packages: Unity Registry → Universal RP.
If the project was working with the core Unity pipeline and you are changing a built scene into URP, materials might not be working correctly because they were set to a Standard Shader. To quickly upgrade all of the project.
Go to
Edit → Render Pipeline → Univrsal Render Pipeline → Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materials
This will quickly update all the prefabs to run appropriately in URP. Check out more directly from the source.